The complete list of passers and top scorers (top 10) for both professional and subprofessional levels of the August 2024 Civil Service Exam, also known as the Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT), is anticipated to be published online by October 20, 2024, or within a span of seventy (70) calendar days following the examination.

Leading up to the exams, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) announced an estimated 361,699 individuals expected to participate in the CSE-PPT across 16 CSC examination centers nationwide.

According to the CSC, individuals who achieve a minimum score of 80 percent will qualify for civil service positions, provided they meet the requisite qualifications, including education, experience, and training.

NCR A-G | August 11 2024 Career Service Exam Results (Professional) List of Passers
NCR A-G | August 11 2024 Career Service Exam Results (Professional) List of Passers


REGION 1 | August 11 2024 Career Service Exam Results (Professional) List of Passers

Roll of Successful Examinees in the
Held on August 11, 2024
Released on October 20, 2024

    Release of Results

    The List of Passers of the August 2024 Civil Service Exam (CSE) will be available through this website or via the official website of the the Civil Service Commission (CSC),, on October 20, 2024 

    CSC encourages examinees to directly coordinate with the CSC Regional Office for other concerns like verification of examinee number and further examination result-related matters.

    Examination Coverage

    The following topics were covered in the March 2023 CSE-PPT for both Professional and Subprofessional levels:

    1. Professional Level – In English and Filipino

    • Numerical Ability (Basic Operations; Word Problems)
    • Analytical Ability (Word Association – identifying assumptions and conclusions; Logic; Data Interpretation)
    • Verbal Ability (Grammar and Correct Usage; Vocabulary; Paragraph Organization; Reading Comprehension)

    2. Subprofessional Level – In English and Filipino

    • Numerical Ability (Basic Operations; Word Problems)
    • Clerical Ability (Filing; Spelling)
    • Verbal Ability (Grammar and Correct Usage; Vocabulary; Paragraph Organization; Reading Comprehension)
    • The general information items on the following: Philippine Constitution; Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (R.A. 6713); Peace and Human Rights Issues and Concepts; and Environment Management and Protection are also included for both professional and sub-professional exams. (Source: Civil Service Commission)

    Number of Items

    For Professional level, 170 items in a 3 hours and 10 minutes time will be given
    For Sub-Professional level, 165 items in a 2 hours and 40 minutes time
    The applicant is advised by the Commission to come at the examination center one hour before the test proper.

    Passing Score

    To pass the examination, the examinee must get an overall score of 80.00%.

    Civil Service Eligibility

    Career Service Professional Eligibility is the second appropriate level for first- and second-level government positions that do not involve the practice of the profession and are not covered by other laws.

    Meanwhile, Sub-Professional Eligibility is only appropriate for first-level government positions that do not involve the practice of the profession and are not covered by other laws.

    The CSE-PPT examination aims to establish a Register of Eligibles (RoE) from which certification and appointment to first and second-level positions in the civil service, except those involving the practice of the profession and are covered by special laws, shall be made, provided the eligibles meet the qualifications and other requirements of the positions.


    To stay informed with the most recent and reliable updates and announcements about the August 11 2024 Civil Service Exam Results (Professional and Subprofessional Level) List of Passers, we recommend that our readers visit the official website of CSC